Well, do I wish that I had this 1937 Sunbeam 500cc model 9, or what! Nearly bought like this for £1900 in 1995, I would have put on a rear mudguard, light and number-plate-bracket, and done about another three hours work on changing the rear chain, oil and plug and to make sure that all the nuts and bolts were tight and that nothing was going to fall off…(well not much, anyway!) and then ride it back to Windsor from Leeds. I thought that it was too much (actually, I didn’t, just didn’t quite have all that much money to spend on it then…) and so never got it, shame on me! It would have been fine, the only thing that could have been a worry were, of course, the tyres, which I would have had to buy new on the way home. I actually did something very similar with a matchless G80 S that I bought in London soon after for £800 (and was ripped off!)…and ended up getting one of these even, but for much less money in similar condition, but complete.
© peter gouws 2011