KSS MkII Cylinder-Head, three-quarter view

KSS MkII Cylinder-Head, three-quarter view

You don’t have to be a ‘shrink’…

to see what’s going on inside THIS head, that’s for sure! Apart from the butchery from yesterday’s tale, today we have a story about – you guessed it! – mods and rockers!

Next off is the bevel gear housing, which comes off with three nuts, two directly behind the actual housing and one on the primary/drive side, below the bearing plate, which has been thoughtfully replaced by a much more readily available M6 screw…

KSS MkII Head, drive side showing bearing retaining plate


The square plate covers the cam bearing, which had been freshly oiled!

DSC06592 DSC06593

The square plate covers the cam bearing, which had been freshly oiled!

Oh deary, deary me! The cam hasn’t seen a drop of oil for a long time, I’m afraid. (Click on the pictures to see them full size, as ever). Not only that, it has been badly ‘repaired’ and built up by welding and been ‘re-ground’, with big holes in the surface and other ‘issues’. This would appear to the next item for the Rocker Horror Picture Show (no pun intended…)

K17/7 Cam, sorry state!K17/7 Cam, not looking good!

K17/7 cam, not looking good.

K17/7 Cam

K17/7 stamping visible on cam


This is the K17/7, originally intended for the earlier, 7/8″ head (pre-1938). A slightly ‘hotter’ cam than the K17/10, which was fitted to the later 1” bore heads, it’s often used to ‘tune’ the later models, with loss of smoothness and mid-range power being the result. Veloce got it right first time, guys!

Whatever, it can be seen that the rather brave attempts at recovery were unsuccessful, whoever might be to ‘blame’. Remains to say that this will not be used on this bike…yet? The shaft doesn’t look too good, either, come to think of it!


The bevel looks new, though I could not find any timing mark on it…As I recall there should be one on the opposite side to the hole? Maybe someone else can jog my memory on that! I don’t remember my old cam-spindle and the nuts being that bashed, either.

Both rockers aren’t that much better, unfortunately, both having been ‘repaired’ at both ends, but recoverable, as there are drawings available. Well, I’ll just put this away for a while, wrapped in cling-film in a little box with the rest of the bits for the head, while I look further.

KSS head put away for another day...

Put away for another day…


Just a quick look under where the oil-tank was, revealed a repair that has to be done to the crank-case.


The (I presume) MSS tank and the size that it would have to be cut back (a bit exaggerated) to make it fit comfortably…

Prewar MSS Petrol Tank

Prewar MSS Petrol Tank underside. Texter shows what would have to come off…


Velocette tank pre-war give-away knee-grip fittings...

Velocette tank pre-war give-away knee-grip fittings…


Just one last picture of the tank to show the only dent to ‘best’ advantage. It’s absolutely fresh and must have received a bash in the transport, though it seemed well protected. Apart from surface rust, in fairly good condition!

Bit of a funny day here in sunny Adelaide, being 37°C (what’s that, >97°F?) in the shade, so a bit warm to working outside in the open Workshop with a tin roof (just a little warmer under that than outside, believe me!) without any air movement…the wind is so hot as to be uncomfortable, too. Just standing out there the sweat is running off me like a waterfall, so have to walk around on a drip, if I want to get any work done!

So I went inside about an hour or so ago and decided to play!

This is the result, a new back for my iPhone! The next one will be cast properly in Ally, of course…I might even do a Magnesium one for the racers!! (no, it’s not ‘Photoshopped’!)

iPhone phor back cover phor Phelocette phans...

iPhone phor back cover phor Phelocette phans…


©peter gouws 2012