Tag: Repairs

Trial Assembly of -10 Gearbox

Last week I was again at the powder-coater, Marshalls, and asked about a bead blaster…he recommended one not one hundred yards from him, and so I trotted off to take my gearbox-casing, now a hollow shell. He was very friendly and quite interested and seems to do lots of bike bits for people, so I…

Painted Parts and Other Things

No excuses, just an explanation is owing! The reporting on the project has slowed down, not because of lack of interest, but because of lack of cash! There have been plenty of other things going on, like getting things back from the powder-coaters! I didn’t really want to get parts powder-coated, for a number of…

A Leica-ly Story!

I may have mentioned it before, but if I am going to take a sixty-year-old motorcycle on a tour and take photographs along the way, you can bet that I won’t be using a digital @#%$&** camera! So, I got me (excuse the language) a worthy camera built at around the same period as the…

8″ Miller HID-Conversion

Ever wondered what the world looked like at night beyond the yellow glare of the street-lamps? Now’s the time to find out and even for the let’s-keep-everything-original (well, original looking, anyway) buffs, here is a low-profile change that could save your life or someone that you love (no-one else gets to ride the bike, rest…

Webb Bottom Links

The last week has been very ‘interesting’, inasmuch as that we have had a few days of 37°C and 39°C, which are not very conducive to work in the tin shed which is my workshop… Above is a picture of me with the ‘Winterbottom‘ Ford racer which will be dashing around the ‘Clipsal‘ race this…

Frame and Fork Prep

…are the last bits to be dismantled for the moment (I’ll come to the wheels later). Actually, I did the forks yesterday, just didn’t have the light to photograph them anymore. I do prefer natural lighting (i.e. daylight!) to flash or lamplight, unless looking for specific effects. The pile of bits at the tp are…

Second KSS Tank

Postwar KSS tank Ah! Due to the fact that the bike came with an MSS tank (right shape and date, but definitely ‘wrong’ underneath!) the buyer ‘hapened’ to have a ‘correcter’ tank at his place and sent it to me free of charge! Thanks for that, Robert! A nice post-war KSS tank, in fairly good,…

More Gearbox

More questions and comparisons As I noted yesterday, there are some strange things going on in these two gearboxes… I’ll start with the main-shaft again and the differences in the sleeve-gear and the shafts themselves: The picture above is of the ends of the sleeves at the clutch end, without the shaft in situ, and…

Box #2

Prewar gearbox Well, this one looks like it might be slightly more complete and slightly more ‘oil’-tight. The kick-tarter is in the usual horrendous state! I don’t know why it is, but Velocette kickstart-levers are nearly always rusted-to-…well…buggery! First thing, then, is to get the lever off! First, I have to ‘depress’ the lever about…

Gearbox Time!

  Prefix 10 Velo gearbox Today I decided to take the two boxes apart and compare them… The 10-prefix one (pictured above) looked pretty dry (despite being the later one), so I thought that I would start there… Not many nuts and bolts holding this together, so no wonder that any oil that might have…