Tag: Originality

Matching Numbers?

Original or not… a tale of rivet-counters. Funny, really! You know, most of the veteran/vintage/classic enthusiasts have a reputation for being rivet-counters…I knew someone once who used to count the baked-beans in the tin when he opened it…but that’s another story! Well, this time it’s a bit different, really! This bike I’m going to be…

Change of course

Just look at the ‘swing’ this bike has! Really like the MAC and would love to keep this one, it’s really cute…BUT, I have a ‘mission’, and that is to do a restoration online, for whatever reasons. This beauty of a bike is just too good to start doing a full restoration on! It runs…

How it SHOULD have started

  Well, do I wish that I had this 1937 Sunbeam 500cc model 9, or what! Nearly bought like this for £1900 in 1995, I would have put on a rear mudguard, light and number-plate-bracket, and done about another three hours work on changing the rear chain, oil and plug and to make sure that…