Category: Electrics

A Quick 50W Update

ZAP! This is main beam of the 50W setup, through the fluted, flat lens And this the dipped beam. Out on the street, this looked quite different: Main: …and dipped-beam, again: Projected through these eyes. The problem over the last few days is, that it has been wet, and so the light reacts very differently…

Let There Be Light!

And By GOLLY, there WAS! My goodness, how time flies! Has it really been six weeks since I did a blog! Unforgivable! Lots has been going on, I must admit, so I sort of forgive myself, even if you don’t! One of my preoccupations has been with lighting. I managed to find someone willing to…

8″ Miller HID-Conversion

Ever wondered what the world looked like at night beyond the yellow glare of the street-lamps? Now’s the time to find out and even for the let’s-keep-everything-original (well, original looking, anyway) buffs, here is a low-profile change that could save your life or someone that you love (no-one else gets to ride the bike, rest…

Inventory of Needed MAC Parts

  SO, today I had a real walkaround and took a closer at the MAC to see what parts would be needed to turn this into a real stunner. On top of this will come the cost of blasting (where necessary, which I don’t really think that it will be) priming and painting/powder-coating and the…